What Is the Significance of Digital Marketing in Today’s Evolution

After the COVID-19 pandemic, every sector of businesses entered online platforms like medicines, dress, groceries etc. As per statistics, nearly 60% of small-medium businesses use digital marketing and plan to invest more in hence, the Global digital marketing and advertising market is forecast to hit $1.5 trillion by 2030. (source: colorlib.com) will you believe that people today don’t use the internet and mobile phones?? yes, same like digital marketing is highly significant in today’s digital world.

  1. Brand Awareness:
  • If you are launching a new company, you must first establish brand awareness and provide clarity regarding the goods and services we offer. Only then will people be aware of the brand.
  • The probability of a sale decreased in the absence of brand awareness. These internet marketing techniques will make it simple for us to get clients to your business.
  • Because “Brand Awareness” is a distinct goal in Facebook and AdWords, we can easily advertise and sponsor our brand on Google Search Engine Result Page (SERP).
  1. Highly Automotive:
  • Shortly, 87% of companies plan to invest in marketing automation, while only 2% say they don’t plan to use it.
  • Remember, More than 70% of successful companies use automation because it benefits them in many ways when it comes to growth.
  • Chatbots and AI-driven Customer Support: Chatbots can automate responses to common customer queries, providing instant support and assistance.
  • Email marketing platforms allow for the automation of email campaigns, including sending personalized messages during their birthdays by segmenting email lists.
  • 45% of marketers send emails weekly.
  • Without human intervention, videos and posts are automatically posted on Facebook and YouTube on schedule.
  1. Cost-Effective:
  • Digital marketing costs less than traditional marketing like printing and advertisements on TV.
  • While doing manual bidding we can gradually understand our competitor’s bidding value and it is also a time-consuming process. But in automatic bidding, Google always keeps higher than our competitor


  •  Automatic bidding= competitorbidding+0.01


  • Automatic bidding with CPC(Cost Per Click), in this we can fix the maximum amount we can spend, up to the cost we will be in the auction otherwise we automatically down to the second rank in SERP.
  1. Increase ROI(Return On Investment:
  • Marketers who plan their marketing are 331% more successful than those who don’t. So ROI also increase.
  • Return on investment calculation in digital marketing;

                             ROI=(net profit – the cost of marketing). *100%

                                         Cost of marketing


  • Net profit: This is the total revenue generated from the digital marketing campaign minus all associated costs, including the cost of goods sold, operational expenses and marketing costs.
  • Cost of Marketing: this includes all expenses related to the digital marketing campaign such as ad spend, software subscriptions, employees’ salaries and agency fees.
  1. Data Analyses:
  • We can analyse and optimise our websites easily using Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and Google Tag Manager accounts mostly all these tools are interlinked.


  • Google Analytics:

  Purpose: it is a web analytics service provided by Google it is used to track and analyse the traffic of a website. It is also called a Data Visualisation Tool.

 Key features: it analyses the visitor’s data, source of traffic, page performance and conversion of leads.

  • Google search console:

  purpose: It is essential for optimising your website presence in Google search results.

Key features: search performance, site maps, crawl status and usability speed.

  • Google tag manager:

        purpose: It simplifies the process of updating website tracking tags

           without manual coding. here we can paste the javascript code of

           another analytics tool to tack websites.

           Key features: Integration of various platforms and tools like

            WordPress,  Google Analytics, AdWords etc.



  1. Brand Awareness:
  • If you are launching a new company, you must first establish brand awareness and provide clarity regarding the goods and services we offer. Only then will people be aware of the brand.
  • The probability of a sale decreased in the absence of brand awareness. These internet marketing techniques will make it simple for us to get clients to your business.
  • Because “Brand Awareness” is a distinct goal in Facebook and AdWords, we can easily advertise and sponsor our brand on Google Search Engine Result Page (SERP).
  1. Highly Automotive:
  • Shortly, 87% of companies plan to invest in marketing automation, while only 2% say they don’t plan to use it.
  • Remember, More than 70% of successful companies use automation because it benefits them in many ways when it comes to growth.
  • Chatbots and AI-driven Customer Support: Chatbots can automate responses to common customer queries, providing instant support and assistance.
  • Email marketing platforms allow for the automation of email campaigns, including sending personalized messages during their birthdays by segmenting email lists.
  • 45% of marketers send emails weekly.
  • Without human intervention, videos and posts are automatically posted on Facebook and YouTube on schedule.
  1. Cost-Effective:
  • Digital marketing costs less than traditional marketing like printing and advertisements on TV.
  • While doing manual bidding we can gradually understand our competitor’s bidding value and it is also a time-consuming process. But in automatic bidding, Google always keeps higher than our competitor


  •  Automatic bidding= competitorbidding+0.01


  • Automatic bidding with CPC(Cost Per Click), in this we can fix the maximum amount we can spend, up to the cost we will be in the auction otherwise we automatically down to the second rank in SERP.
  1. Increase ROI(Return On Investment:
  • Marketers who plan their marketing are 331% more successful than those who don’t. So ROI also increase.
  • Return on investment calculation in digital marketing;

                             ROI=(net profit – the cost of marketing). *100%

                                         Cost of marketing


  • Net profit: This is the total revenue generated from the digital marketing campaign minus all associated costs, including the cost of goods sold, operational expenses and marketing costs.
  • Cost of Marketing: this includes all expenses related to the digital marketing campaign such as ad spend, software subscriptions, employees’ salaries and agency fees.
  1. Data Analyses:
  • We can analyse and optimise our websites easily using Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and Google Tag Manager accounts mostly all these tools are interlinked.   


  • Google Analytics:

 Purpose: it is a web analytics service provided by Google it is used to track and analyse the traffic of a website. It is also called a Data Visualisation Tool.

Key features: it analyses the visitor’s data, source of traffic, page performance and conversion of leads.

  • Google search console:

  purpose: It is essential for optimising your website presence in Google search results.

  Key features: search performance, site maps, crawl status and usability speed.


  1.  Google tag manager:

   purpose: It simplifies the process of updating website tracking tags  without manual coding. here we can paste the javascript code of another analytics tool to tack websites.

Key features: Integration of various platforms and tools like

WordPress,  Google Analytics, AdWords etc.

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